Friday, September 12, 2014

Start of Year Two - Back to School

Wow, it's been ages since I've sat at my computer to talk about Ghana.  I've missed it!  After a long summer break at home in the States, we are officially 6 weeks into our second year here.  Crazy!  What's even crazier is that life here feels so very normal.  More about that later.  For now, I must post back to school photos.  Chase started third grade with several of his best friends AND a boy teacher from America.  He was pumped about that!! He's started swim team and Cub Scouts with soccer to start this weekend.  I just picked him up tonight from a birthday party where they were picked up from school in a limo, taken bowling and then out for pizza.  Sometimes it's hard to believe the kind of stuff that can happen here - definitely doesn't always feel third world.

Chase and his bestie Louisa in the same class again

Drew. Drew started preschool three days a week.  Bless him.  He wears a uniform (British school) to school and a separate PE uniform.  There has never been a kid more ready.  He said 'bye mom' and never looked back.  He never wants to go home.  He LOVES it!  I took his 'first day' pics early while Brett and Chase were still home but on the way out the door for school, he fell off the couch and whacked his eye/head on the coffee table.  So...his 'at school' pictures involve an ice pack.  Classic 3 year old boy pics, right?  I could tell so many funny stories about this little munchkin - he makes me laugh out loud every single day.  Remember his bestie Asha?  They are in class Owls Nest International School.