Friday, July 26, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Week One - Success!  We arrived in Ghana on Monday July 15 around 1pm after 2 flights; Flight one - 1 hr, Flight two - 10 hours!  The kids did great (Dramamine anyone?)  It was surreal boarding the flight from JFK to Accra with a group of folks not exactly like me.  :) I met some very lovely people on the plane that I look forward to connecting with during our time here.

We flew with 19 'pieces' of luggage - that in itself was a pretty incredible sight.  We were met at the airport with several folks from the new office and came straight to our home that had been made up with food items, etc... by our social sponsor.  They are the folks assigned to you to help make your transition easier.   What a help that has been!

We've settled in nicely - this is a busy time for the Embassy Community as it's the move season, so there are many farewell events happening.  That means lots of social gatherings which is always fun for me!  Even without that, the folks here are overwhelmingly nice and have welcomed us in a way I have never experienced.

We found mini golf on Saturday - again, surreal.  I just couldn't stop smiling at how random that is.
After mini golf, we ate at one of the fave local restaurants, CHASE.  My Chase of course loves everything about that!  And we got here just in time for Chase to participate in an Embassy Summer Camp where each day he spent 45 minutes on a different activitity....swimming, tennis and soccer being the faves!  Drew and I would spend time at the playground while we waited. It was a great way to get plugged in and start meeting other kids and parents as well.

To sum this first blog post up, here's a quick story.  Once we landed at JFK, we took a shuttle bus to our final terminal.  Drew wanted to run around and climb the stairs on said moving bus - so I wrestled with him the ENTIRE route and he screamed the ENTIRE route, and all the passengers were feeling a bit sorry for me.  When I got off the bus and was waiting for the rest of my crew, a sweet older gentleman said 'I hope your next stop is home'.  I started to immediately respond with 'oh no' - but quickly caught myself when I realized (maybe for the first time REALLY REALIZED) that indeed, Accra would be our 'home' for the next two years.  I am embracing the challenge of what that looks like. I bet it's sweet.


  1. Mini golf??? That's hilarious. Sounds like you guys are adjusting well!!!

  2. I love hearing about your life in Africa!

  3. I am so happy that you are adjusting well and have had a warm welcome to Accra! In Liberia we don't have mini golf yet but maybe we will one day in our remaining 1&1/2 years. Please let me know if you need anything while I'm still in the states. I will send you a package:)
