Tuesday, August 6, 2013

African Adventure Take One (part two)

The second day of our weekend outing we decided to check off the rest of the items on our list for that area vs. saving it for another time.  Not saying we won't go back again, but just in case.... plus having the knowledgeable driver allowed us to waste less time wondering where or how to find anything.  The day started at Kakum National Park, a famous park in Africa (rainforest) and the only one with a canopy walkway.  A walkway 1150 feet long connected by seven tree tops that is 131 feet high at the highest point.  I didn't check all the details beforehand and when we got to the top, I got a little nervous realizing we had both our children.  Never fear.  Drew spent his time looking for monkeys and Chase just held onto the back of someone and about hyperventilated.  :)  I told him I will use that moment to remind him every time he is so terrified of something of what he accomplished, even through his fear.  I am actually the one who is scared of heights but for some reason it did not phase me.  Partly because we were literally in the trees and you could not really 'see' the ground and the ropes were fairly enclosed, but mostly because I was too focused on making sure my children made it.

Afterwards, we stopped at Hans Cottage Botel (?) where we were told we could pet a crocodile.  Sure enough, this place surrounded in swamp (I think that's what you call it - I'm actually kind of surprised anything can live in it), has crocodiles that have gotten so used to people that you can actually get right up close and touch one.  It was about a 10 minute excursion.  Random.

Finally, we stopped at Cape Coast Castle, similar story to Elmina, but also part of the Smithsonian Museums, and completed our weekend.  Good first adventure.

I found this water fountain statue amusing - am I the only one?  One thing to note is that public urination and worse is the norm here.....but that is another post for another day.  :)

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