Tuesday, August 6, 2013

African Adventure Take One (part one)

Let's face it - just living here will be a bit of an adventure...directionally, emotionally, relationally, mentally, etc....But we do plan to partake of everything the area has to offer and those will be the real African Adventures, day trips, weekend getaways, all the experiences that scream ONLY IN AFRICA!
You all know that I like to get and out and DO - see it all and then some.  We took our first overnight this weekend.  Why not?  No car, no stuff, and a large 'to see and do' list in 2 years time.
Our commissary provides an excellent car/driver service so that's what we did for this outing!  What a blessing it turned out to be - an experienced Ghanaian driver who showed us the ropes (and knew all the hidden gems along the way).
We headed a few hours out of town to the Cape Coast area in the Central Region of Ghana.  First stop, Anomabo Beach Resort where we spent time on a nice clean beach.  The lodging was a bit like indoor camping but manageable.  :)  We spent the evening at Elmina Castle in one of the largest fishing villages (Elmina).  The Cape Coast area is notorious for its role in the Atlantic Slave Trade.  The story itself can be depressing but it is history and there is alot to be learned from it.  These pics are from Anomabo Beach, Elmina Castle, and the Elmina fishing village.

On our way back to the "resort" (hee hee) - we were a little bit starved and our driver knew JUST the place to take us.  Down a dirt road in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE that I was very wary of but he knew what he was doing.  Good food and a fabulous view.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your adventures; miss you all! And I'm super jealous of that beach... Gorgeous :)
